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What is Recycling Retro all about?

I am an avid "recycler". And I try to encourage everyone I know, and those I have just met, to do the same. By selling and using "pre-owned" vintage items, not only am I reducing the number of items that might go to a landfill, but I am also saving money myself! By buying used, we also save the energy that would have gone into producing a new item. We are encouraged to shop, but few of us ever realize the impact all this "buying" is having on our environment and our society. If you haven't already done so, I recommend that you go to and watch Annie Leonard's 20 minute video "The Story of Stuff". It is an interesting look at "the underside of our production and consumption patterns". The Story of Stuff project has just created another video and it is worth watching. It changed the way I look at all the "stuff" in my life.

I spend a lot of time looking for those items that fit in with the idea of "recycling retro". I have been able to acquire an incredible inventory and a lot of it can be seen and purchased at my vintage shop located at 3 Hall Road in Woolwich, Maine.

You can find almost anything vintage in my shop: small appliances (mixers, ice crushers, juicers, corn poppers, etc.), lamps (pole lamps, TV lamps, pottery lamps, hanging lamps), kitchen clocks and alarm clocks, planters and vases (McCoy, Hall, Hull, etc.), bar ware (cocktail shakers, cocktail mixers, bar glasses, stirrers, coasters, trays, etc.), decorated pitchers, decorated glasses, Pyrex (bowls, refrigerator sets, dishes), Fire King, McKee, Anchor Hocking, potholders, aprons, tablecloths, salt and pepper shakers, coffee pots, percolators, juice pitchers and glasses, Swanky Swigs, kitchen utensils, sifters, bread boxes, canister sets, cook books, books and the list goes on! I even carry vintage model railroad train engines, cars, and accessories (Lionel, HO, American Flyer, etc.). You can find many items manufactured in the 1940's - 1970's; but my primary focus is on the 1950's. I love the "space age" look of some of the designs and I have found that the colors are absolutely captivating. I am always busy at auctions, estate sales, house calls, etc. looking for items to sell.

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